need info about xxxxxxx

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need info about xxxxxxx

Beitrag von Eva » 29.05.2009, 10:13

Hello!!! :)

Who knows xxxxxxxxxxxx
Does he have girlfriend or wife?

Thank you for truth information.

Beiträge: 8
Registriert: 28.05.2009, 20:15

Beitrag von Eva » 29.05.2009, 10:39

Clean name? :? Why?
Where can i read rule by english?


Beitrag von Rufina » 29.05.2009, 11:02

Hello Eva,

welcome here in our forum.

We have a data protection here in Germany.

There are no rules in english in this forum, because we don´t have any corners for other languages.

kind regards, Rufina

Beiträge: 8
Registriert: 28.05.2009, 20:15

Beitrag von Eva » 29.05.2009, 11:22

Thank you Rufina.
I have correctly understood? I can not find information about the men on this site? or am I mistaken? This can be done, but in another topic?

Best regards. Eva


Beitrag von Rufina » 29.05.2009, 11:46

Hello Eva,

no you can´t put any personal dates here in public.

You could make an answer on our black list:

but you have to consider our dispatch conditions (which are in german)

kind regards, Rufina

Beiträge: 8
Registriert: 28.05.2009, 20:15

Beitrag von Eva » 29.05.2009, 13:50

Thank you, Rufina :)

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Registriert: 03.04.2008, 07:17

Beitrag von Gloria48 » 30.05.2009, 08:44

Hello - you can describe this fellow you want information on - write something like:
I need information on (FIRST NAME OK- for example "Ali"). He is from the city of (Name of city) and his family lives in (name of city). He has done the following with me: (robbed me, lied to me, whatever). This happened in the month of xxx, year xxx.

In this way, you are just giving hints. But those who do KNOW this man will be able to recognize him and may just respond with interesting information.

Another tip to consider is to have people ask about him. Egyptians love to gossip. If you ask a taxi driver about him (take a photo along), they may give you information. And if you give the taxi driver LE 100 (15 Euros) he will be your friend forever and make some calls inquiring about what you want to know.

I myself wanted information on the guy that robbed me (his name is Ali) and started asking people in Luxor - anybody I could find. I found out that he is a pimp and will go to bed with anybody for money - any woman, any man. Recently he started a relationship with a foreign gay guy and apparently stole 5,000 Euros from him. I was told this by a taxi driver (I called him from Germany) and he has no reason to lie. If what he says is true and he can get more information from me, I am more than willing to pay for this (a few Euros is a lot of money for them).

Do you mind my asking where you are from? If the fellow you want information on is in Luxor, please let me know and I can make further inquiries, you can write me his full name by PN (personal message) here in 1001.

Remember that Egyptians do not always tell the truth and that they believe in polygamy. That is, they will often want to have more than one woman or wife. Usually they have an Egyptian wife with lots of kids, and a tourist woman to pay for it all!

Regards, Gloria
Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see

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Registriert: 08.02.2009, 16:21

Beitrag von Jaana » 30.05.2009, 10:47

Dear Eva,

in most cases, people here cannot write PN's. However, if you find an email address in Gloria's profile, you can write her an email with the information you seek. Please keep in mind that this is an anonymous forum, and despite many efforts by the administration, sometimes we have "fakes" here, so the best way to do it would be to contact the official cib-person in charge of Egypt ( - use the email address in front of "Spezialistin fuer aegyptische Faelle". Alexia will do her best to help you!

Eva, do you need a translation of the German dispatch conditions?

This is a sub-forum especially for people who have usually met their Egyptian "big love" and later been dumped by him with lots of financial losses and hurt feelings. Sometimes they take years to recover, if they do at all. Since you have made your way into this forum, I am sure you are doubtful about him. That's a first indication that things are not as they should be. I am pleased that you found your way into this forum where people will be able to help you and give you good advice.

All the best for you!

P.S.: As Gloria pointed out, polygamy is a common thing in Egyptian men. Those Egyptian men this forum is about usually have at least one Egyptian wife and lots of girlfriends to finance them.
Enkelin kasvosi, kuoleman huulesi - ja sun huulilta suudelma maistuu katkeruudelta ...

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Registriert: 31.10.2008, 04:31

Beitrag von Haram » 31.05.2009, 04:16

Usually they have an Egyptian wife with lots of kids, and a tourist woman to pay for it all!

Genau so ist es.

Noch schlimmer ist es, wenn die Dame aus Europa in das von ihr bezahlte
Liebesnest ( ETW ) kommt, das aber schon in Beschlag genommen worden ist, von der Ehefrau ihres habibi und seinen Kindern.


Beitrag von Chahbani » 03.06.2009, 21:12

Hallo Eva,

es ist nicht erlaubt diesen Link hier zu setzen, deshalb werde ich ihn

LG chahbani

Beiträge: 8
Registriert: 28.05.2009, 20:15

Beitrag von Eva » 03.06.2009, 21:23

Ef enybode want to know information about habibi from russian sites can ask me. it will be very confidencial and free for you. Maybe so i can find iformation about my man ..... becouse to pay to moderators from russia is very difficalt.


Beitrag von Chahbani » 03.06.2009, 21:28

Hallo Eva,

dies ist ein deutschsprachiges Forum. Bitte schreibe Deine Beiträge
in Deutsch, denn nicht jeder User auf dieser Seite spricht Englisch.

Danke !

Beiträge: 8
Registriert: 28.05.2009, 20:15

Beitrag von Eva » 03.06.2009, 21:31

Ef jemand wissen wollen, Informationen über Habibi aus russisch-Seiten können Sie mich fragen. wird es sehr Confidencial und für Sie kostenlos. Vielleicht, so kann ich über meinen Mann iformation ..... zu zahlen, weil die Moderatoren aus Russland ist sehr difficalt.

Beiträge: 8
Registriert: 28.05.2009, 20:15

Beitrag von Eva » 03.06.2009, 21:34

das letzte Wort "schwierig"


Beitrag von Chahbani » 03.06.2009, 21:40

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Registriert: 03.04.2008, 07:17

Beitrag von Gloria48 » 04.06.2009, 08:28

Eva, warum schreibst Du nicht den Vornamen und den Ort des Habibis, vielleicht hilft Dir das weiter?
Englisch: Eva, why don't you write us the name and place of that man, so we can help you further? Nobody knows anything so far, and so you have not been helped!
Regards, Gloria
Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see

Beiträge: 8
Registriert: 28.05.2009, 20:15

Beitrag von Eva » 04.06.2009, 17:04

Hello Gloria!!!
He's name Khaled works in Sindbad Beach in Hurghada.
Moderators clean this name. Maybe it will be effectiv from email?
Thank u for help Gloria :-)

Beiträge: 915
Registriert: 03.04.2008, 07:17

Beitrag von Gloria48 » 04.06.2009, 17:23

Upps - I just wrote you an email. You are starting to give the right tips, maybe someone will recognize him.
I wish you luck. If possible, try to forget him, these men are not really good people, it's better not to know them and to just regard it as an experience you do not want to repeat.
Bye, Gloria
Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see
